How to Prepare Your Home for House Guests

Having people stay over at your house can induce stress for a lot of people. What if they think everything is dirty? Will they be comfortable? How can you make everything perfect?

While it’s probably impossible to have things be perfect when you’re expecting guests, it doesn’t have to be hard to get things as close to perfect as possible. Let’s go over a few simple things you can do to help your house guests feel welcome and comfortable in your home.

House Cleaning Preparation for House Guests

One Word: Clean

You want your guests to come in and think to themselves, “Wow, this house is clean!”

Take the opportunity to clean the entire house, not just the guest room. Vacuum the floors, wipe down the bathroom, clean the kitchen counters, mow the lawn, etc.

Get the whole family to pitch in to make it a little easier on yourself while you focus on preparing other details!

Prepare the Guest Room

This is the area of the house where the houseguests are going to be spending the most time. You’ll want to put extra effort into making sure it’s clean and ready for them to sleep in that room.


Guest rooms often become a void where you throw your extra stuff, which can lead to a lot of clutter and junk. You don’t want your guests to feel like they’re surrounded by “stuff,” so take the time to organize whatever you have stored in the room.

You should also make sure to get rid of clutter so your guests have a place to put their things. Guest room closets are notorious for being full of extra clothes, shoes, etc. Make some space in there for your guests’ belongings.

Fresh Sheets

Fresh, clean sheets are a must when having guests over. They’ll appreciate washed and nice smelling sheets compared to wrinkled, old-smelling ones.


Provide them their own towels for the bathroom. Giving them towels that have been used by your family is slightly uncomfortable for everyone involved. It’s a small, but highly appreciated, gesture to provide them with personal and fresh towels.

Extra Blankets and Pillows

While you might only like one pillow and one blanket, your guests could be different. Providing extra blankets and pillows will ensure they have everything they need to be comfortable without them having to ask you for more, or awkwardly having to rummage your closets in the middle of the night looking for some.

Provide Amenities

If you want to go above and beyond, you could provide your guests with miniature shampoos, soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Chances are they forgot one (or all) of these things anyway. Having them on hand would save them a lot of trouble!

Preparing for House Guests: Wrapping Up

Having house guests in your home can feel like a lot of pressure, but simply taking the time to clean and organize will leave your home ready for guests. Going above and beyond with amenities and fresh towels will show your guests you really care about them. If you have any questions or would rather have someone do the cleaning for you, feel free to contact us!