The Benefits of Cleaning: Why a Clean Home is Good for Your Health

You may think you’re safe inside your home, but studies show that indoor air quality is often actually worse than outdoor air quality.

So, hiding in your house in the Chicago suburbs won’t necessarily help you stay healthy.

A clean house is a healthy house, and there are a few things you can do in order to make sure your house stays clean all year round. Vacuum and dust weekly, replace your air filters, remove clutter, and use cleaning products with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Why should you even do this? A clean home can help your physical and mental health. The benefits of cleaning and living in a clean home are huge.

What’s in it for you? Let’s learn more about the health benefits of a clean home.

The Benefits of Cleaning Why a Clean Home is Good for Your Health

Your Health is at Stake – The Benefits of Cleaning

There are some serious health risks associated with living in a dirty home. These include asthma and other serious respiratory issues, stress, accidental falls and more. You’re at an increased risk of all of these if you live in an unclean home.

Whether you clean it yourself or have professionals do the job, a regularly cleaned home is essential to maintaining a good level of health.

Your Physical Health

Having a clean house is important for your physical health. Home is where you spend most of your time, especially during those cold Chicago winters, and while you’re there you are exposed to all of the dirt and grime that has gathered since your last cleaning.

Whether internal or external health is your concern, both can be improved by having a clean home.

Eliminate Respiratory Issues

Run your hand across your carpet, or in the corner of your hardwood floors.

Unless you clean vigorously, chances are that there is a nice collection of dead skin cells, animal hair, and dandruff. This stuff is triggering for those who have asthma and can create respiratory issues for those who don’t.

By vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting weekly (with low VOCs products), you can significantly lower your risk and exposure to seriously harmful particles. If you have pets, you may want to do this even more often!

Lessen Your Spread of Germs

Whether you have a good immune system or not, we all fall susceptible to a cold or virus at some point. By consistently cleaning, you’ll be able to lessen your spread of germs in the house.

Clean with products on the more natural side to avoid lots of chemicals in the air.

Don’t Miss a Step

Falling is a real thing that happens in homes, and it’s not just among the elderly. Having a clean and clutter-free home can reduce your risk of falls that can put you in harm’s way.

Protect Your Mental Health

Your mental health is a lot more impacted by a cluttered and dirty house than you may think.

Clutter and uncleanliness can increase stress, depression, and other mental afflictions. By cleaning your home regularly, you can promote a healthy brain and lifestyle.

When dust, clothes, and dishes start to pile, our mental happiness can be impacted. Stay on top of those dishes and laundry in order to prevent depression from creeping in.

Your Next Step

Want to learn more about the benefits of cleaning? Are you interested in finding out the best ways to clean and protect your home in Chicago and the surrounding area? Look no further, we’ve got you covered. Hour Maid is here to help you! Give us a call or shoot an email our way to schedule our house cleaning service!